Islam Exposé Blog
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Dr. Khadim al Masih The Palestinians are an entirely fabricated people. Why do they all have Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese surnames? Because they all came to Israel
Dr. Khadim al Masih The Palestinians are an entirely fabricated people. Why do they all have Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese surnames? Because they all came to Israel
Dr. Khadim al Masih The Palestinians are an entirely fabricated people. Why do they all have Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese surnames? Because they all came to Israel
Comparison of Christian Heaven & Islamic Heaven, Comparison of Islamic Violence and Christian Violence, Goal of Islam, Islam - “THE Spiritual Battle”, Islam Rituals, Islamic Slavery, Islamic Terror, Isnad & Tafseer, Mecca, Muhammad, New Historical Critique of Islam, Psychology of Islam, Quran, Sharia Law
Dr. Khadim al Masih The Palestinians are an entirely fabricated people. Why do they all have Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese surnames? Because they all came to Israel
Khadim al Masih
Almighty God (Yahweh) does not need to be defended.
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